Edmundo Cherrington

Edmundo Cherrington

08-31-1979 - 01-17-2025


Edmundo B. Cherrington Jr. was born on August 31, 1979 in Harlem Hospital to Rita Cherrington (NYC) and Edmundo Cherrington Sr. (deceased) Belize. He was the only boy with two sisters Denise and Marilyn. He attended George

Washington Irving High School and graduated with a high school diploma. He went on to college in South Carolina where he earned his Associates Degree in Computer Science. He started working at Duane Reade Drug Store in 2006 as a store clerk and worked his way up to Team Leader. He also worked for UPS (during Xmas) as a truck loader.Edmundo enjoyed going to the movies, spending time with his family and going to the Foxwood Casino for his birthday’s and vacations. He enjoyed his PlayStation and the many games he played online. He was a quiet person who kept to himself. He was sought of a gentle giant and to know him is to love his presence. When the holidays approached, he would always ask what do you want for Christmas never thinking about himself.

On December 9, 2024 Edmundo took sick and his angels stepped in and got him to the hospital. He fought for 17 days in ICU and on December 27, 2024 at 4:30pm God called him and told him you did good my humble and faithful servant. On this day he got his wings and crown. Edmundo leaves behind his mother Rita, dad Edmundo (deceased) , sisters Denise Pickering and Marilyn Pickering, Nieces: Mia, Shaquese, Harmoni, Kimyra, Nephews: Willie, Aj and Dj, Aunts: Elaine Rush, Michelle

Lincoln, Selma Jones (deceased) and a host of cousins, friends, the Cherrington Family,  Duane Reade family and UPS family.

Life brings tears, smiles and memories; The tears dry, the smiles fade but the memories last forever. 

—Malik Faisal—

 In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.

—Abraham Lincoln—

When we lose someone we love we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind.


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